Bristol Academy
High School Courses for Home-Educating Families
Students of all experience levels will learn and practice acting techniques, prepare an audition monologue, and work on a mini production.
The semester will be broken up into A and B units. For the first 8 weeks the class will be focusing on learning a specific acting technique and preparing an audition monologue using the technique they have learned. The second 8 weeks will be focused on putting together a performance demonstrating skills learned in the first 8 weeks.
Students will learn performing as well as some basic design and directing skills through putting together this performance.
Acting II is offered to high school students, grades 9-12. Advanced 8th-grade students may also enroll.
Students will be assigned weekly homework and will be expected to memorize one monologue and lines in the play.
Prerequisite: Acting I or equivalent experience.
Students earn 1/2 credit for a High School elective course. Parents are responsible for managing the transcript for their student. The teacher will communicate the end-of-course grade within 2 weeks of the final class date.
The class will meet on Thursdays from 12:00 until 2:00. Cost is $135.
Mrs. Bullen's COVID-19 Policies are listed below.
No textbooks required.
Madeleine has included a $10 printing fee in the cost of the class. She will print and provide the necessary materials.
Mrs. Bullen's COVID-19 Policies:
1. Bristol Academy teachers are trying to keep everyone as safe as possible, but it is impossible to remove all risk. Therefore, students assume risk by entering the classroom.
2. If you have been in close contact with a person with COVID-19, stay home. This includes family members, friends, and co-workers. See this link for a definition of “Close Contact” and instructions on how long to Quarantine.
3. If you have ANY of the COVID-19 symptoms, stay home. These symptoms are listed here and include fever/chills, cough, shortness of breath, fatigue, muscle/body aches, headache, sudden loss of taste/smell, sore throat, congestion/runny nose, nausea/vomiting, diarrhea.
4. Mask-wearing and social distancing are encouraged.
Classroom set-up, activities, and exercises will adhere to social distancing guidelines (6ft apart minimum).
Paper or Cloth masks will be worn in class until everyone is seated. Once everyone is seated 6ft away from students with whom they are not normally in contact, students may remove their masks.
If a student does miss a class, Mrs. Bullen will work with students/parents to make sure the student is caught up.
NOTE: Mrs. Bullen will also follow these guidelines. If the teacher or anyone in her household contracts COVID-19 or is otherwise required to quarantine, we will either have an in-person substitute teacher or class will be moved online and continue via Skype or Zoom.
Fall, 2020
Acting II
$135.00* - payable at registration
*Plus insurance and facilities fee.
See Registration page for details.