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Bristol Academy Choir Club - Singing in 4-Part Harmony


Meets on Wednesdays from 3:15 to 4:45 pm for 8 weeks (March 17th - May 5th)


First Christian Church, 311 Spencer St., Bristol, VA 24201


- Do you enjoy singing with friends?

- Are you interested in a short commitment with a huge impact?

- Want to try your hand at singing in 4-part harmony? (soprano, alto, tenor, bass)

- Can you make a joyful noise to the Lord?


If you answer yes to any or all, then we're interested in you joining us for fun & fellowship while singing!!


The Bristol Academy Choir Club will be meeting under the auspices of Bristol Academy, but you don’t need to be part of Bristol Academy to participate.


This is a student-led club with Mrs. Isha Youhas acting as the faculty advisor.  She will direct the first two weeks to get our club going in the right direction after which the students take over.

A parent chaperone, Mrs. Natalie Myers, will be on-site at every rehearsal.

The club will sing a selection of sacred and secular pieces with an eye toward a concert at the end of the 8 weeks of rehearsal.  At the concert, there will also be opportunities for students to perform solos, duets, and smaller group ensembles.


The students leading this club are:

Emily Myers, Club President (

Sam Meredith, Club Vice-President (

Nathaniel Youhas, Club Treasurer and Accompanist (


You can contact any club leader to express interest or to receive more information.

Faculty Advisor: Mrs. Isha Youhas

Club President: Emily Myers

Club Vice-President: Sam Meredith

Club Treasurer/Accompanist: Nathaniel Youhas  

Spring 2021




Your cost depends on whether you are currently taking classes with Bristol Academy


For current Bristol Academy students:  $5/student (Club Fee)


For students who are not taking classes at Bristol Academy in the 2020-21 Academic Year: 


$23/student (Club Fee, Insurance, & Church Facilities Fee)

What to bring:  A joyful spirit and a bottle of water.

What's helpful:  It's a plus if you can read music!

Anything Else:  Tell your friends, so we can have even more fun!


COVID-19 Policies for Choir Club:


1.    Bristol Academy teachers are trying to keep everyone as safe as possible, but it is impossible to remove all risk.  Therefore, students assume risk by entering the classroom. 


2.    If you have been in close contact with a person with COVID-19, stay home. This includes family members, friends, and co-workers. See this link for a definition of “Close Contact” and instructions on how long to Quarantine. 


3.    If you have ANY of the COVID-19 symptoms, stay home.  These symptoms are listed here and include fever/chills, cough, shortness of breath, fatigue, muscle/body aches, headache, sudden loss of taste/smell, sore throat, congestion/runny nose, nausea/vomiting, diarrhea.


4.   Mask-wearing and social distancing are encouraged. 


5.  If you or someone in your household is in a high-risk group for severe Covid-19 infection or mortality, you should reconsider your participation in choir.  You run the risk of Covid-19 infection by attending this live in-person club. 


 6.  If you are sick, stay home.


7.  If you or someone in your household has been tested for COVID-19 and you have not received the results, stay home.


8.  If you have been in close contact with a person with COVID-19, stay home.  This includes family members, friends, and co-workers.  You do not need to stay home due to potential exposure, however, if you have previously tested positive for COVID-19 more than two weeks prior or tested positive for COVID-19 antibodies within the previous six months. 

9.  The classroom is large, and students are encouraged, but not required, to sit six to ten feet apart from other students.  Parents should direct their students with respect to seating recommendations.


10.  Paper or Cloth masks are encouraged, but not required.  Parents should direct their students with respect to mask wearing. 







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