Bristol Academy
High School Courses for Home-Educating Families
Poetry Composition and Appreciation - This class will focus on a number of different styles of poetry including the sonnet, haiku, blank verse and others. We will read and discuss classic examples of each of the chosen forms of poetry and then compose our own! There will be readings each week, take home writing assignments, and some in-class writing as well. There will also be a biographical presentation on a poet of the student's choice.
There are no prerequisites to take this course, other than the student being capable of high school level course work.
This course is worth 1/2 credit of high school English.
Book list located below. All poems will be available online.
10:00 - 11:30
Fall, 2019
10:00 - 11:30 AM
Texts Supplied by the Student:
A Poetry Handbook, by Mary Oliver
Texts Supplied by the Instructor:
$150.00* - payable at Fall/Spring registration
*Plus insurance and facilities fee.
See Registration page for details.