​Bristol Academy
High School Courses for Home-Educating Families
Geometry is a two semester High School Mathematics Course, usually taken between Algebra 1 and Algebra 2.
Prerequisite: Students must be competent in the following Algebra 1 skills:
How to graph a line in the form y = mx + b or Ax + By = C
How to solve equations such as 5x + 4 = 2x + 21
Semester One Topics include, but are not limited to:
Angle Relationships Parallel and Perpendicular Lines
Triangle Congruence Proofs Quadrilaterals
Similarity The Pythagorean Theorem
Semester Two topics include, but are not limited to:
Coordinate Plane Calculations Geometric Mean
Right Triangle Trigonometry Circles
Area Volume
Class time will consist of problem solving, note taking, discussions, and activities.
Work requirements outside of class will include:
Assessments, practice problems, and video lessons with Khan Academy
Homework problems from textbook
One project per semester
Student Grade will be determined by:
A midterm and a final exam, both administered in class
Weekly quizzes through Khan Academy
A project
Class participation
Homework completion
Materials Supplied by the Student:
Sharp pencils with good erasers
Calculator (needs to have “sin” and “cos” buttons)
3 Ring Binder OR Spiral notebook with pocket for loose papers
Colored pencils OR crayons OR colored pens
Subscription to Khan Academy (free)
Texts Supplied by the Instructor:
Glencoe Geometry, by Boyd, Burrell, et. al.
Protractor, Ruler, and Compass (That’s right! No need to buy them, they are provided)
Class Time
Fall 2017 - Spring 2018
1:30 - 3:00
$150 per semester*
If your family has two or more students in Geometry, the fee is $140 per student
Each Bristol Academy student must also pay for insurance and for use of the church.
These fees are per-student, not per-course.
For information, visit our FAQ page.