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  • This course will present an overview of significant philosophers and schools of philosophy in the western tradition. The classical philosophy of Greece and Rome, as well as that of Judeo-Christianity, will serve as the anchor sources of study and analysis. In addition, great thoughts and great thinkers from many traditions will be considered. The class will require an open mind, a love of reading and thinking, and a willingness to discuss ideas in a respectful manner. This should be a very helpful course for the college bound student and any young person who loves to ponder the meaning of life!

  • Students should expect take home tests with personal and thought provoking questions; papers on some of the philosophers requiring research; and handouts with optional/mandatory assignments involved

  • There are no prerequisites to take this course, other than the student being capable of high school level course work and thinking well.

  • This course is worth 1/2 credit of high school Philosophy/Logic.

Mr. Randy Smith

Spring 2018


8:30 - 10:00 AM



Texts Supplied by the Student:



Texts Supplied by the Instructor:

  Philosophy: 100 essential thinkers  -  by Philip Stokes

  A World of Ideas  -  by Leo Jacobus

Class title:

  $125.00 - payable at Spring registration


  Sibling Discount:  If a family is taking multiple classes from Mr. Smith, there is a 20% discount on the total.  So, $200 for two concurrent classes.

*Plus insurance and facilities fee.

See Registration page for details.


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