Bristol Academy
High School Courses for Home-Educating Families
This course will present an overview of significant philosophers and schools of philosophy in the western tradition. The classical philosophy of Greece and Rome, as well as that of Judeo-Christianity, will serve as the anchor sources of study and analysis. In addition, great thoughts and great thinkers from many traditions will be considered. The class will require an open mind, a love of reading and thinking, and a willingness to discuss ideas in a respectful manner. This should be a very helpful course for the college bound student and any young person who loves to ponder the meaning of life!
Students should expect take home tests with personal and thought provoking questions; papers on some of the philosophers requiring research; and handouts with optional/mandatory assignments involved
There are no prerequisites to take this course, other than the student being capable of high school level course work and thinking well.
This course is worth 1/2 credit of high school Philosophy/Logic.
Spring 2018
8:30 - 10:00 AM
Texts Supplied by the Student:
Texts Supplied by the Instructor:
Philosophy: 100 essential thinkers - by Philip Stokes
A World of Ideas - by Leo Jacobus
Class title:
$125.00 - payable at Spring registration
Sibling Discount: If a family is taking multiple classes from Mr. Smith, there is a 20% discount on the total. So, $200 for two concurrent classes.
*Plus insurance and facilities fee.
See Registration page for details.