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Grammar & Composition, Parts I & II, are equivalent to a 9th grade high school English class. 


  • Topics for Part I include parts of speech, usage, sentence structure, diagramming, paragraphs and short essays.


  • Part II topics include Usage, sentence structure and variety, paragraphs, outlining, descriptive writing, similes and metaphors, letters, short narratives, essays.


  • Class time will consist of short lectures, individual and group exercises.


  • Work requirements outside of class will include weekly grammar homework, writing assignments, and a comprehensive final exam.


  • There are no prerequisites to take this course, other than the student being capable of high school level course work.


  • A student successfully completing this class will earn 1/2 credit of high school English for Part I and 1/2 credit of high school English for Part II.


Grammar & Composition - Part II:

   $150.00 + 5.00 book rental fee


    - Sibling discount:10% of tuition total.


Each Bristol Academy student must also pay for insurance and for use of the church. 

These fees are per-student, not per-course.   

For information, visit our FAQ page.


Texts Supplied by Instructor:

   Warriner's English Grammar and

   Composition, Third Course


Spring Semester


Tuesdays - 10:30 AM to 12:00 PM


© 2024 by Bristol Academy

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