​Bristol Academy
High School Courses for Home-Educating Families
Grammar & Composition, Parts I & II, are equivalent to a 9th grade high school English class.
Topics for Part I include parts of speech, usage, sentence structure, diagramming, paragraphs and short essays.
Part II topics include Usage, sentence structure and variety, paragraphs, outlining, descriptive writing, similes and metaphors, letters, short narratives, essays.
Class time will consist of short lectures, individual and group exercises.
Work requirements outside of class will include weekly grammar homework, writing assignments, and a comprehensive final exam.
There are no prerequisites to take this course, other than the student being capable of high school level course work.
A student successfully completing this class will earn 1/2 credit of high school English for Part I and 1/2 credit of high school English for Part II.
Grammar & Composition - Part II:
$150.00 + 5.00 book rental fee
- Sibling discount:10% of tuition total.
Each Bristol Academy student must also pay for insurance and for use of the church.
These fees are per-student, not per-course.
For information, visit our FAQ page.
Texts Supplied by Instructor:
Warriner's English Grammar and
Composition, Third Course
Spring Semester
Tuesdays - 10:30 AM to 12:00 PM