Bristol Academy
High School Courses for Home-Educating Families
World History is a two semester class where students will receive a comprehensive survey of United States history.
World History I: Pre-History to the Renaissance - This semester will involve a comprehensive study of world history from pre-history to about 1400 A.D., and will touch on all of world history and civilization, but will concentrate on the Western world. There will be major units on Ancient Mesopotamia, Egypt, Greece, Rome, World Religions, The Middle Ages, and The Renaissance. This is a course that is vital for general education and those planning to go to college
World History II: Reformation to the Present - This semester will cover world history from The Reformation (late 1400-1500's) to the present. Major topics include The Reformation, The Age of Exploration, The Scientific and Industrial Revolutions, The Enlightenment, and The Emergence of Modern Economics.
Class time will consist of short lectures, discussions, individual and group exercises and quizzes, occasional short videos to watch and discuss, and review of student papers.
Work requirements outside of class will include weekly reading and writing assignments and lengthy take-home tests. Research is frequently required: the library and online resources can both be helpful.
There are no prerequisites to take this course, other than the student being capable of high school level course work. A student MAY take Part II of this course if they have not taken Part I.
This course is worth 1/2 credit of high school social studies for each semester successfully completed. Parents are responsible for managing the transcript for their student. The teacher will communicate the end-of-course grade within 2 weeks of the final class date.
The more you know about the past, the better prepared you are for the future.
-- Theodore Roosevelt
Fall 2018 - Spring 2019
8:30 - 10:00 AM
Texts Supplied by the Student:
Texts Supplied by the Instructor:
- World History, 5th edition, by Duiker & Spielvogel (ISBN 0-495-05012-1)
World History I:
$125.00* - payable at Fall registration
World History II:
$125.00* - payable at Spring registration
If a student or family is taking multiple classes from Mr. Smith, there is a 20% discount on the total.
*Plus insurance and facilities fee.
See Registration page for details.